Lettuce Grow Review – Get A Green Thumb!
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If you ever heard about Lettuce Grow Farmstands and know more about it, thank your lucky stars today. My Lettuce Grow review has complete details about this innovative brand and how they work!
I am not good at gardening. When my friend got me a cactus as a present, I forget to water for months and months straight and found it dead behind the books. Now, can you imagine the intensity of me being careless? I forgot to water a plant that hardly needs to be looked after! So I was introduced to Lettuce Grow Farmstand review for the first time at my grandma's. I found this gadget very cool and aesthetic, and that's the first feature that attracted me to it.
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Upon some research and tons of self-made promises, I finally decided to purchase for my tiny kitchen area since I don't have enough space to plant many things in the backyard (honestly speaking, I don't have a backyard, hehe). So, after using it for six months, this is my Lettuce Grow Review, and stay tuned for an exclusive Lettuce Grow Coupon!
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About Lettuce Grow
Lettuce Grow, established by San Antonio resident Jacob Pechenik and actress Zooey Deschanel, developed Farmstands, self-watering, self-fertilizing hydroponic vertical vegetable gardens. As someone with no gardening experience and a serious issue of being irresponsible, I was curious and wanted to give it a shot.
Lettuce Grow's goal is to make gardening simple and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their gardening knowledge or experience, to grow hygienic, fresh food while also reducing the environmental impact of large-scale agriculture.
Lettuce Grow Farmstand Review
Lettuce Grow Farmstand is a gadget that is a self-watering, self-fertilizing machine that assists people in growing one-fifth of their food at home. I've been testing the equipment, optimizing the growth process using hydroponics science, allowing leafy vegetables and herbs to develop from seedlings to ready-to-eat in two or three weeks.
This modern-looking device might seem to be a pricey investment but not the Lettuce Grow discount code! According to Pechenik, it will pay for itself within a year because you will save money on fresh food at the grocery store. Given how much I've grown in the last six months, this purchase is worth it.
However, it also depends on what you usually spend on vegetables: The Farmstand is likely to appeal to health-conscious individuals with disposable income who shop at Whole Foods and farmer's markets.
More About The Farmstand – Lettuce Grow Coupon Code
It’a a hydroponic vertical garden that can grow up to 36 different plants without soil and in the least amount of space possible. You use 95% less water, they donate 1 Lettuce Grow Farmstand for every ten sold, and the stand is made of ocean-bound plastic. It's a true beast of a gardening system.
More About The Farmstand – Lettuce Grow Coupon Code
Farmstands are simple to install and come in five sizes, accommodating anywhere from 12 to 36 plants at a time, and you can find the largest of the Farmstand for a lower price with the Lettuce Grow Promo Code. They are created in the United States from BPA-free, FDA food-grade plastic collected from coastal towns in Haiti and specific areas of southern Mexico where waste facilities are lacking, resulting in rubbish being dumped into the ocean. Lettuce Grow Farmstands have given new life to 193,508 milk jugs and counting.
My Experience with Lettuce Grow Farmstand Review
I can personally testify that the Lettuce Grow involves little talent and very little time on the end of the "gardener." The Farmstand is delivered to your house and takes around an hour to assemble.
The Farmstand - Price: $348 - $649 at Lettuce Grow
It comes with a base, water pumps, tiered planters, and optional grow lights, and it's easy to assemble. However, filling the water reservoir, which took about 20 minutes with a one-liter watering can, was the most time-consuming operation step. Filling it with a hose, if possible, would be faster and less labor-intensive.
It just takes around five minutes every week to keep it going once it's fully operational. Unlike my backyard tomatoes, which require daily watering, and they also ended up being dead in a matter of two weeks only, the Farmstand just requires a small amount of water every week. Of course, you'll also need to undertake weekly maintenance by adding more nutrients, but this is quite simple because the instructions tell you exactly how much to put based on the number of plants you have.
Seedlings and Plants – Lettuce Grow Coupon
You can fill out a questionnaire on the web to get a custom seedling plan based on where you're growing (indoors, outdoors, shady, sunny, and so on) and where you live, i.e., your growing zone. For example, I'm utilizing the 24-plant method indoors, and the Lettuce Grow discount code chose the pre-sprouted, ready-to-plant seedlings from their 200+ seedlings for me.
Indoors, the options vary in terms of diversity (they have some lovely and tasty varieties) but are primarily lettuce, greens, and herbs — all of which are simpler to cultivate indoors. And I obviously had to go with the greens, and I am glad I could use the Lettuce Grow coupon code to save some bucks!
If you grow outside in warm weather, the selection includes peppers, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, eggplant, beans, and other vegetables. They have even added edible flowers like nasturtium and calendula to the collection.
After taking the online questionnaire, I received seedlings for leafy greens, herbs, broccoli, and sweet peas, which arrived separately in a tiny, well-protected package with instructions on where to put each plant. If you want to get more for less, use our Lettuce Grow Coupon to purchase the seedlings at a slashed price! From personal experience, I recommend placing dog-friendly plants in the lower rows just to be safe and cautious for your fur babies.
Maintenance is minimal after your seedlings are rooted. Weekly chores include ensuring enough water in the tank, giving nutrients, and doing a simple pH test. If your pH is too low, all you have to do is add a scoop of the supplied "pH Up" or "pH Down" chemical.
Check your plants every few days while using grow lights to ensure the leaves aren't directly pressing on the LEDs. If they are near for a lengthy period, you may notice minor burn marks on your leaves. One or two days won't hurt, but don't let the leaves touch the lights for a prolonged time.
Is it worth it? – Lettuce Grow Review
I'm going to say yes. It appears to be expensive at $348 for the standard model (12 seedlings), but when you consider the expenses of a 4x4 raised plant bed and dirt to fill it, plus plants, it is comparable to the initial setup cost for a small outdoor garden.
The Glow Rings, new to the product line and are presently available for pre-order, are an essential accessory while growing indoors. The 12-plant unit starts at $200, going up to the initial setup cost for indoor growth of $548. Again, it may seem like a lot, but if you buy fresh herbs and veggies regularly, the savings pile up quickly with the Lettuce Grow Promo Code.
If you have a tiny outdoor space area, such as a sunny deck but no solid ground, The Farmstand in itself is excellent, and you can omit the Glow Rings. However, if you have a similar place but are shaded, the Glow Rings will work.
If you don't have an outside garden, or you plant outdoors from spring to fall but want to continue to grow through the winter, as I do, The Farmstand is the key.